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The makerBoards team in Newburgh in September 2020: Aden Fischer-Brown, Nola Mayer, and Kate Walters

The makerBoards team in Newburgh in September 2020: Aden Fischer-Brown, Nola Mayer, and Kate Walters

Like many cities in the Hudson Valley, Newburgh's street network is its largest public space. In Fall 2020, a team of Vassar students partnered with several Newburgh non-profits (including the Fullerton Center) to launch makerBoards -- a series of mobile windows that invited kids and families to co-create while mitigating exposure to Covid-19. The makerBoards were positioned on streets and in open spaces where kids were most in need of recreational activities and adults were looking to overcome a sense of isolation. They provided the community with a chance to re-connect and engage in person. This summer the Fullerton Center is working with the team on makerBoards 2.0 -- expanding the project to new locations in Newburgh.

Follow the makerBoards on Instagram @makerboards_team


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